The Playground

  • As is happening in the LENR field. Except that we do it with very meagre funding.

    there's the rub.

    So: we have the list of replicable results with knowledge gained?

    I use knowledge in the sense of science that makes predictions. That the hot fusion people have.

    I keep on wanting to think that is true of LENR...

  • The Customer is Rossi and the product is you.

    2014-06-10 14:53 Andrea Rossi 

    Eernie1, Steven N. Karels:

    Obviously we are talking of an industrial 1 MW plant in continuous operation in the factory of a Customer.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-06-10 17:35 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    Are you making a brand new 1 MW plant in North Carolina for display — or refurbishing the one you shipped from Italy?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

    2014-06-10 20:51 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    It is not a plant for display. It is a plant that will be installed in the factory of a Customer to work and make profit from its work. It is not a test, as made so far. I cannot give more specific information now, I am not allowed to.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-06-11 11:16 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for the useful clarification regarding the 1 MW Plant. The fact that it will be a working E-Cat providing useful energy for someone is important.

    I hope when the time comes, the customer will be able to provide data regarding energy usage, costs, savings, etc. This is very important to people considering adopting a new source of energy.

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

    2014-06-11 15:29 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    You are right, I agree.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-06-22 08:00 Andrea Rossi 

    Piero Mongioj:

    At the moment I am working focused exclusively on the 1 MW plant we are installing in the factory of the Customer . The work is advancing along our scheduling, some problems emerged, but I cannot give any specific information; in due time, I think within 2014, visits to this plant in operation will be allowed, unless problems will emerge. This time we are not preparing a test or a demo, the 1 MW plant is going to work along a production line in a factory to lower the production costs of the Customers. The target is: ” to increase the profits of the Customer by means of the E-Cat”, indipendently from any other consideration. It is a matter of money, not of science and our Customer is a Corporation, not a scientific institute, so now we are working in a different context that is at the first step toward an industrialization of the product. The expectations of the Customer can be either met or not, which means that the results, under the economical point of view, can respect the guarantees or not: we have to see it in the reality, because, as we well know, ” IN MERCATU VERITAS”.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-07-02 11:36 Andrea Rossi 

    Mark Saker:

    I can answer only to this:

    a- the Customer is independent from us and has no participation to our business

    b- its employ is to make heat for industrial purposes.

    About all the other issues, we will give due specifications when the visits will be allowed.

    About the imbeciles, let them laugh, but, please, do not call them scientists: scientists are curious, intelligent and always wait for solid experimentation; besides, they never laugh of working people: only an imbecile can laugh of persons that are working with all the force they dispose of, and a scientist cannot be an imbecile.

    2014-08-02 12:23 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Will the customer of the first 1 MW plant be involved in the testing of the plant before it is installed to ensure it meets expected performance standards?

    2. Will the plant replace an existing heat source at the customer’s location, or will it be installed on a brand new production line?

    3. Is your work on the 1MW plant currently on schedule?

    Many thanks!

    Frank Acland

    2014-08-02 16:16 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    1- No, we have to respect the guarantees of performance we signed for and we will be paid if the guarantees will be respected. As it happens for any kind of technological plant.

    2- Brand new production line with a back up in case of problems to our plant

    3- Yes

    Warm Regards,


    2014-09-25 10:29 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your response regarding the 1 MW plant. Are you still planning on allowing visits to the plant in the near future?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

    2014-09-25 10:46 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    In the near future is impossible. In future yes, but I cannot give a scheduling, because it depends on what the Customer thinks: we are not in the factory of Industrial Heat, we are in the factory of a Customer. Presently we have problems to resolve.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-09-26 09:31 Andrea Rossi 

    Pietro F.:

    Our Customer is a manufacturer, and uses the 1 MW plant for his production.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-09-26 11:09 Andrea Rossi 


    The industry of the Customer is not a theater, nor a show room…it is an industry, with specific issues regarding safety, production and confidentiality. When visits will be allowed and at which conditions will be decided exclusively by the Customer, for obvious reasons and only when all will have been stabilized and consolidated.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-09-30 22:50 Andrea Rossi 

    Steven N. Karels,

    You have imagined the bright side of the moon. I should have to imagine the dark side of the moon. The consequences of a failure would be devastating.

    In both cases, I will continue, as always, to pray God every morning and then get down to work, because in both cases much work will have to be done by our team. First of all, we want to see the 1 MW plant work well for a long, long time, and make profits for the company of our Customer. I have to focus on this, not on the sides of the moon.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-10-21 08:21 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    I’m glad to hear your work is progressing with the 1MW plant. I know that you are never satisfied with the state of your work (everything is epochè) — but at what point with this plant will you consider it ‘good enough’, and be ready to move on to the next project?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

    2014-10-22 19:58 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    The Professors of the ITP are independent from us.

    Now we of IH are focused on the industrial plant and the related R&D.

    Our Team has to make sure that the performance of the 1 MW plant respects the contract IH made with his Customer. There is no room for anything else, at the moment. I think for us the time of tests is over, because from now on the Third Party becomes the Customer, whose validation criteria are substantially based on how much money they make with a plant, i.e. how much money they save making heat with the plant. They are not very much interested to technicalities, with one exception: the plant must not emit any kind of pollution. That’s all: make money, do not pollute. Numbers will be just numbers, not comments.

    Warm Regards,


    2014-11-02 17:26 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    I not sure if you have been following any of the the online discussion on various blogs regarding the Lugano test results. Some claim the reported resuslts are invalid based on assumptions about how the E-Cat should have behaved during the test.

    Would you agree with this statement:

    “There is a another possibility. There exists many false assumptions made about the behavior of the Ni-H reactor. This behavior does not conform to expected norms of measurement.”

    Many thanks, and best wishes,

    Frank Acland

    2014-11-02 17:46 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    The test of the Independent Third Party did not produce assumptions, it produced measurements.

    Assumptions are groundless when the task is to measure.

    Let me give you a paradigmatic example: the Customer who has got the 1 MW plant signed a contract where IH gives a guarantee of a certain production of energy with a certain consumption of energy: now, do you think that IH will be paid based on the energy produced and energy consumed measurements, or based on the “assumptions” about how it had to behave?

    Warm Regards,


    2015-03-03 15:59 Andrea Rossi 

    Hank Mills:

    Thank you for your sympathy. As I said many times, to give away the IP would mean to stop any serious investment. We aleady disclosed a huge amount of information along the Lugano test.

    By the way: the work made until 2014 has been less by an order of magnitude respect the work we are making now on the 1 MW plant in operation in the factory of the Customer of IH.

    Fortunately, now I work with a strong team.

    Warm Regards,


    2015-03-05 20:53 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    One container contains the E-Cats, pumps heat exchangers and the satellitar informatic system of every E-Cat. The second container contains the central control system, the general electric panels, general switches etc, plus the computers to read all the data and, obviously, the chairs and the desks. One of the desks is mine, from it I am writing this comment to answer to you, as well as all the comments I sent and will send in 2015. I make the trip from one container to the other not less than 100 times every day, but for the 60% of time I am in the container where are the computers. Together with me are several components of the Team. Both containers are installed inside the factory of the Customer.

    Warm Regards,


    2015-03-25 02:16 carloluna 

    Andrea.You can let us hear the voice of the E-Cat putting a clip on YouTube?

    2015-03-25 07:09 Andrea Rossi 


    He,he,he,he…good idea, I will ask permission for it to the Customer!

    Warm Regards,


    2015-03-25 18:37 Andrea Rossi 


    The Customer does not pay the 1 MW E-Cat plant to “evacuate” the thermal energy produced: the Customer uses the thermal energy for his industrial production.

    Warm Regards,


    2015-03-25 19:00 Andrea Rossi 

    Steven N. Karels:

    a. We must deliver 1 MWh/h. There is no minimum: if we get short of it, they back up

    b. If there are not problems, the output is constant

    c. The question is too generic to answer. Depends on the cases and the reasons of the demand variations.

    d. Our Customer provides UPS

    Warm Regards,


    2015-04-03 19:44 Andrea Rossi 


    The measurement system of the 1 MW E-Cat is made by:

    56 thermocouples to measure the temperature of the water steam in different positions

    56 thermocouples to measure the temperature of the liquid water that flows toward the reactors in different positions

    1 PCE 830 to measure the consumption of electric power, which has been installed between the container of the reactors and the electric power source of the Customer’s Factory, plus

    the Wattmeter of the Customer’s factory installed by the electric energy provider

    56 pressure gauges to measure the pressure of the steam in different positions

    All the data are taken by the certified registration system made by the referee, who has placed the certified gauges to calculate the COP, and collected in his computer. All the referee’s gauges are certified and sealed.

    Besides all this, there is the master Gauge, which is the manufacturing plant of the Customer, which needs 1 MWh/h of thermal energy carried by steam: if they receive this energy they pay for the plant, provided we give the granted COP, otherwise they do not pay. They measure with their instrumentation the amount and quality of the steam, but most of everything, they check the amount and the quality of their production and compare their costs using the E-Cat VS their costs with the traditional heaters. Their plant is the universal gauge and is, under a commercial point of view, the only one that really counts. So far the Customer is satisfied. Nevertheless, I have to add that it is soon to assume final considerations and we are aware of the fact that within the end of the year the results could be positive, but also negative.

    Warm Regards,


    2015-04-22 12:13 Andrea Rossi 

    Silvio Caggia:

    We are not authorized to give any information about the Customer.

    Warm Regards


    2015-04-22 12:36 Frank Acland 

    Dear Andrea,

    I have just read this comment of yours from April 3 regarding the measurements you are taking, and the participation of a referee (http://www.journal-of-nuclear-…6&cpage=2#comment-1068747)

    The report of the referee will be published?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

    2015-04-22 16:41 Andrea Rossi 

    Frank Acland:

    This will depend on the Customer, after the end of the tests.

    Warm Regards,


    2016-07-03 04:19 Roberto Rampado 

    Egregio Dr Andrea Rossi,

    Una domanda forse un po’ impertinente: la Ditta JM Products che fonte di calore utilizza attualmente, visto che il MegaGatto è chiuso e sigillato?

    Grazie e Buon lavoro.

    Rampado Roberto

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,

    Which source of energy currently uses the company JM Chemical Products, since the MegaCat is closed and sealed upon agreement between your attorneys?

    Thanks and good job.

    Rampado Roberto

    2016-07-03 07:25 Andrea Rossi 

    Roberto Rampado:

    The Customer has set up this plant in Doral, Florida, specifically on the purpose to test our technology for at least one year to see if it works, based on an agreement between him and Industrial Heat.

    He knew from the beginning that, due to the experimental nature of the test, such test could have been stopped for any reason and the Agreement signed between him and IH says that the test could be stopped anytime without refunds of any kind could be vindicated by the Customer for the lack of production. He accepted, because for them too, as I said, this was a test.

    Warm Regards,


  • Great news. There have been two self-confirmed major revelations/breakthroughs in LENR physics just in the last week or so.

    It should be a piece of cake to get a device working now.

    1. From ECW:

    Bob Greenyer  Mark 5 hours ago

    Yes, yes. I can now explain LENR, Hutchison Effect, Cavitation, HHO etc. it needed a part of electrodynamics that was recognised in Russia from 1967, and was only started to be recognised outside of the Soviet Union from late 1990s. It was what Tom Bearden was in dispair about. It is what Ken Shoulders was referring to in the conclusion of his book "EV - A Tale of Discovery". The west calls it a different name and it is researched a lot but in nano-scale levels.

    The recent trip to Holland provided me with additional hard physical and video evidence to settle any remaining doubts I had.

    The implications are absurd.

    2. From right here on LF:

    Online axil Verified User Reactions Received1,861

    • I have also had a revelation. The LENR reaction is always accompanied by charge separation. The double layer formations in SAFIRE is an example of such charge separation. The cause of charge separation is the meissner effect that accompanies superconductivity...


      Whenever there is charge separation, superconductivity is involved. Rossi saw charge separation in his SK reactor plasma. This means that All LENR plasmas are likely superconductive.

  • Funnily enough a US/Korean company based in California has proposed sending me something rather like Rossi's magic lamp to test 'in a cold climate'. They claim it heats a room with a few watts of input. We shall see, no more details for now, I'll let you all know if and when it arrives.

  • Funnily enough a US/Korean company based in California has proposed sending me something rather like Rossi's magic lamp to test 'in a cold climate'. They claim it heats a room with a few watts of input. We shall see, no more details for now, I'll let you all know if and when it arrives.

  • Big news (yawn). You can now also preorder a 10 Watt "Minisklep". The picture was taken yesterday in Rome, in his appartement laboratory where the video had been shot.

    I am absolutely shocked Rossi has come up with yet another new e-cat version before any other version has shipped.

    Leonardo Corporation | Order Ecat Products (

    This time he is going full Orbo.

    Does he know Orbo doesn't need to be plugged in? He says the minisklep still does.

    Where is the plug on the Minisklep?


    See the source image
    See the source image

  • Big news (yawn). You can now also preorder a 10 Watt "Minisklep". The picture was taken yesterday in Rome, in his appartement laboratory where the video had been shot.

    I'll order at least two - (keeping my order for two 100W skleps)
    DC-AC and DC-DC. I think the latter could charge cell phones etc).

    Need to check what I could do with 10W AC.

    Anywhere I can order the Egely version?

  • I'll order at least two - (keeping my order for two 100W skleps)
    DC-AC and DC-DC. I think the latter could charge cell phones etc).

    Need to check what I could do with 10W AC.

    Anywhere I can order the Egely version?

    Why not order 10,000 of them? There will be no difference in the number delivered.

    With 10 watts, you can run a SKLed. Maybe he can bring that back from the grave. If you order 20 miniskleps you can connect them all and power a single 100w SKLep. This SKlep might power an ecat SK quarkx.. Cut and paste these combos, and you may eventually power one of his early 1 megawatt versions, if you can find one on ebay. You will need a major electrical mains upgrade however.

  • I am absolutely shocked Rossi has come up with yet another new e-cat version before any other version has shipped.

    Frank Acland
    August 31, 2022 at 7:48 AM

    Dear Andrea,

    Now you are offering the Ecat ‘Minisklep’ for pre-order on

    Can you comment on the reason you have chosen to make a smaller Ecat?

    Andrea Rossi
    August 31, 2022 at 8:01 AM

    Frank Acland:

    We have an important demand from a big buyer, that will help to reach our target.

    Warm Regards,


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